A /B testing , also known as split testing, involves submitting two or more different versions of the same message to a sample of recipients, analyzing the reaction to each version, and determining which is more effective . Testing is in the DNA of digital marketing. It only takes a few things to compare different versions of a campaign: subject line, design, header, and copy . It is basically possible to test everything. Let’s look at some aspects of the subject line that can be tested to increase open rates . Approach: affirmative or interrogative? Okay, that's a nuance, but it has important implications. All it takes is a simple inflection to create an increase or decrease in open rates. The company must have had good reasons for choosing the interrogative variant. Who knows, maybe the company chose to do this through A/B testing. Use of capital letters While an all-caps subject line isn't recommended (see spam section above), using all-caps in a word could give a big boost to open rates.
Also in this case, A/B testing reveals which version will perform better. The use of emojis Worrying or pleasant? Emojis are small elements that are as frivolous as they are flashy. But precisely because of their ability to insert something lively into an entirely text-based element, they can often push open rates to increase. A field to experiment, trying different emojis. A/B testing is essential for anyone working in email marketing. That's why we offer Mail Up : just request a 30-day free trial, and you'll have access to all the A/B testing E-Commerce Photo Editing Service features of the MailUp platform. Let's imagine welcoming a totally unknown client or, conversely, recognizing the client, greeting him by name, knowing what his job is, and in what field he works. The dynamic field works exactly this way, personalizing emails. Also known as dynamic tags, dynamic field is the feature that allows you to create special placeholder codes to personalize posts.
These placeholders are automatically replaced with recipient data when a message is delivered. These are items enclosed in square brackets (such as [name]) that the platform recognizes and replaces with the correct value for each recipient. If someone calls us by our name, we are bound to pay more attention . This is not only true in the real world, but also in the online world. Everything about dynamic fields, from their possible uses to their configuration Find out what works best with A/B testing A /B testing , also known as split testing, involves submitting two or more different versions of the same message to a sample of recipients, analyzing the reaction to each version, and determining which is more effective . Testing is in the DNA of digital marketing. It only takes a few things to compare different versions of a campaign: subject line, design, header, and copy . It is basically possible to test everything. Let’s look at some aspects of the subject line that can be tested to increase open rates .